Monday, May 12, 2008


Freedom! Finally, today's paper marked the end of my second semester! The Grand finale so to say. Now, all that's left is the anxiety from the anticipation of my results! Not the best thing ever if you ask me. And i have 3 months of 'bejaruk'. Waiting for a part time job but whatever happens, happens.

I'm in the first few hours of being free and I definitely think this is just pure emptiness. I have no idea what to do. And football for me, should only be twice a week. Kan start gym pun, tarus kali?? Chill lah bro. Television.. is just television. And football on tele pun, tinggal champions league finals saja lagi. Seriously, this is stressing me out. Thanks to work, I am not a follower of football. Speaking of football, Congrats to Manchester United for winning the English title. One down and One to go!

So? How this. I have temptations to go out but some of my peeps are busy with their own stuff. The only thing is menunggu si Anak Ikan ganya lagi kan balik which is in less than a month. Hmmm.. Nampak gayanya, JOIN TAH GENG PENONTON AF TAH ME NIE!

Alai balum lagi balik dari kraja. Rinduuuuuuuuuuuu~~ Rindu serindu rindunyaaaa~~~ tuh~ Keluar lagu klasik~

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