Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tagged again~

“The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.”

1. The age at my next birthday

2. A place I’d like to travel to


3. A favourite place the field

4. A favourite thing

5. A favourite food

6. A favourite colour

7. The city you live in

Masjid Sharif ali.jpg

8. the city I was born in


Brunei Darussalam

9. A nickname you had

10. College Major

The Public Interest
public policy and administration :)

11. Name of first love

Family :)

12. A bad habit

13. A hope for 2009

success :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



hahahahahahahaha just felt like using the H word :P Anyways,.. i'm currently having my exams and the papers im having in the next two days are the bitchiest of them all. At least i think so, I am going crazy studying for these courses. But there's one thing about me that people should already know by now. Before an exam, I tend to smile or joke around more. Which most of my mates see as unacceptable, but its just the way I roll. Ya diiig~?
Anyways, HOME is the hardest place to study i think, so I tend to stay over at uni till late. And I gain a lot more than I usually do at home. Regardless whether I do it alone or otherwise. But anyways, people tend to ask each other before entering an examination if they are ready. I only have one answer to that.....


I miss football :(

Friday, November 21, 2008

i feel so...

I have been mourning all day long. I have to let go of something i have been holding on to because of unavoidable accidents. Stupid Stupid Accident. I still cannot let go of the fact that..
I am very very upset and I admit that i've never been this upset. EVER!
Something that has been helping me in my studies and leisure time. Sigh.. I still can't smile. Even when i know It wasn't my fault. Still...

F**K MUSIC. :(

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Sigh~ tonight has officially been my most productive night, in terms of studying of course. And i am just here to spit s**t out of my mind. LOL! I feel so gangsta saying 's**t'. s**T~
s*&T!( There i go again!) S%$T! nyeeeh~

Well, I guess the reasons why people blog could be; to blow off some steam, to show off, to b***h about people, bored or simply talk to people who ain't there. Well, considering its the examination season, i guess i can see this as a form of practise for my writing. Either that or its just one of those times I feel like talking without wasting my precious voice ( yes! precious! :D). I need my voice for the Bathroom Idol 2008! VOTE FOR MOI! Tonights song was the male rendition of Mariah Carey's My All. Got good feedbacks! ;)

Oh besides that I too have my own band called BabyZ. Thanks to Guitar Hero World Tour, the band is adored among fans. Our music is suitable for all ages. And hell yeah we rock! :D Too bad I have to restrain myself off the game for a bit, and my review on the game is that,'IT KICKS ROCKBAND's ASS'!

Another stress reliever, is taking pics. When we study, some of us take occasional breaks for the toilet, for a smoke or even just small talks. But some of my colleagues enjoy taking pictures more. The photobooth application on my mac is ver very popular amongst these undergraduates. Especially Emma Wemma Bemma is such a nuisance when it comes to unattended laptops. It took us ages in trying to find the villain responsible for the constant depleting of our hard disks' free space. But now, she's got her own lappy to mess around with, so EMMA! LEAVE DAISY ALONE!!!!

And Temari baby~, CHILL OUT Okay?:) ily~

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Take it Slow

I am just getting on to test myself on some stuff i know with regard to my current courses. Exams are in less than a week. It is okay to show off that I am partially ready for it provided that I really am. I am just going to face it, nothing will be enough! I have come to the conclusion that it is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve 100%, but it should not stop me from giving 110% worth of effort. Here we go~..

The SPN21 21st century remedy~?

The importance of Government role in making sure the well being of the public is very vital. One may choose to acknowledge the governmental efforts being put into it for the sake of knowing but at the same time has very little knowledge on how much effort and cost has been given up by the system in order to achieve sustainable living conditions for its public. A government should hold the interests of the public domain for particular reasons. These reasons are made as public as possible for the acknowledgement of the governmental systems effort.

It is important for student to understand the various institutions involved in the policy making. The policy making process is made up of a number of steps. This set of procedures are vital in the policy making process. And in this various institutions with respect to the interest they hold in these policy execution arenas execute procedures. Hence, we can see that these institutions need to be in synergy in order for the smooth process of the execution of policy.

In the 21st century, the globalized world has brought about new challenges to policy configuration. Certainly globalization provides a whole new diverse chain of problems towards to policy-making arena. In policy-making, the appropriateness of approach is vital for the success in policy making. Policy-making bodies have to recognize the arena, nature of the problems and whom these problems affect.

Hill (1993) recommended that the basic orientation should be compatible with different implicit models of a policy process, leading to different strategies for analysis and its application. Another issue that has to be identified is the pros and cons of a policy. The relevance of a rational system problem is no longer that simple. The variety of problems is more complicated than previous centuries. In the context of globalization, states unite in many ways.

Even the problems faced have taken a new direction and this somehow affects the area of policy making subjected to different concerns. Generally speaking, globalization has altered the nature of problems addressed by policies. The 21st century has brought to us new areas of concerns. Three of the most dominant areas are in the areas of economic, technological advancements and environment. This paper will identify the global economic challenges and how Brunei has altered the local education system with respects to the challenges brought about to diversify the economy.

In attempting to tackle this 21st century challenge, Brunei Darussalam has decided to approach the aim by tackling the root of the development. Brunei Darussalam is a small country in Southeast Asia whose income is highly reliant on the export of oil. His majesty’s Titah has been repetitively concerning the direction of the country underlining with full transparency the importance of economic diversification.

“…as outlined in His Majesty’s Titah, means high thinking culture, in the sense that quality human resources are not only designed to produce knowledgeable individuals but also those who possess pure morality and are ever ready and capable of facing the challenges of life in the wake of globalization. “(LEGCO meeting 2007)

Human Resource development has been one of the important aspects in development of the state. Brunei Darussalam sees education playing a vital role in the development of human resource. His Excellency the Sultan has highlighted education having an important role that can lead to prosperity to the Brunei economy. Hence has lead to drastic policy changes within the local education system.

The education system policy direction has always been to generate future employment for the current youth. Brunei Darussalam has come to an understanding that the problem is not merely producing employment opportunities but to also address the 21st century demand for a diverse range of skills. The ever-improving range of technological advancements is in need of specialists in order for Brunei to develop in this.

From January 2009, the SPN 21 has been introduced. It is the new education policy that will bring about drastic changes to the previous education policy. It is driven towards developing the human resource in Brunei to meet the 21st century needs. The SPN 21 is the national education system for the 21st century is seen as a revolution towards the previous education system. This policy has brought about three changes towards the education system in the form of structuring, curriculum and technical education.

The main aim of the new education policy is to meet the needs and the challenges in the economic and social to in the 21st century. It has been idealized to realize the vision and mission of the Ministry of Education. It is geared towards the essential skills in this era and fulfils the Strategic Plan in Education (2007-2011).

In terms of structural change, it recognizes the importance of vocational education. Despite it being the information and technology age, the state should not ignore the development of vocational education. In the 21st century, technical skills are vital for development in other sectors of the economy. Specialization in these areas should not be taken lightly as not all of the population is interested in furthering their academic studies. It gives a chance for technically skilled future workforce to mobilize in their respective fields. The diversity in the labour market should be targeted and in this respect the Ministry has been driving towards it. The introduction of more vocational institutes creates a more conducive environment in order for this reform to be supported.

The SPN 21 also alters the curriculum by adding in a number of subjects in the learning of the students. It comprises of 8 fields of learning, namely Language development, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Traditional Arts, Technology, Religious Knowledge and MIB and Physical education. The introduction of new subjects function to implement essential skills such as communication, Science and Information technology knowledge, work skills and also aesthetic skills. The introduction of such areas of skill development is to assert values that have been identified as necessary in the 21st century. Such values are self-confidence, to develop a sense of courtesy, individual independence, Integrity, patriotism, competitiveness and to inculcate a sense of awareness towards the dynamic economic environment.

One of the main targets of SPN 21 is to develop its human resource to be knowledgeable in the areas of Information, Communications and Technology. The Ministry of Education emphasizes on the important of Technology based knowledge to be internalized by the students. The involvement of technology in the current nature of work tasks is ever increasing. Technological advancement is continuously progressing and to have substance in this field would definitely be an asset to the nation. Technology based skills are getting more and more important in today’s workforce. It is no more a specialized area but in terms of technology diffusion, its involvement is very much wide.

The new education policy is however only at its infant stages. However the government and the ministry of education should identify the challenges in implementing the SPN21. The drastic alter to the current education system will need readjustments. These readjustments are in the wider forms and involves both parties either from the receiving end and the party that will be carrying out this policy. The educational institutions need to be in synch with the ministry itself for the execution of the SPN 21.

The SPN 21 is viewed to be ‘one size that fits all’ in the areas of enriching human resource development and in terms of budgetary allocation, it would have to be increased as implementing the SPN 21 would bring about more technological improvements for the equipment in the educational institutions. Retraining the teachers would also be an issue of budget, as the teachers would have to change their approach of teaching. Sending them to higher institutions would be costly.
So the question of sustainability of the policy still remains, and that is where readjustments will be made according to the affordability of the government to promote human resource development.


Hill M,(1997)The Policy Process:’A reader’ Pearson Prentice Hall, UK.

LEGCO Meeting 2007

New University in Brunei, Borneo Bulletin

Monday, November 17, 2008

Its time again

The hardest part about writing an essay is....STARTING. Trust me, from the amount of essays i've written this semester, I KNOW the hardship that one goes through in starting an essay. To have initiative to just start is just like looking up a mountain, still contemplating whether to climb or just lay at the foot. But unfortunately, in terms of the writings ive done, we don't really have much of a choice.
Everyone wants to open up with a 'WOW' statement, just to make it sound promising. But when nothing fits, The worst case scenario:
'Everyone in this world has a hobby. I have a hobby.' <---------Classix~

After the introduction, the pathway has been pretty much set. *Sigh* I have 7 more intensive writing to do. The examinations! Wish me luck! :)

Friday, November 14, 2008


I guess now is a good time for some P.D.A.. I know it can be annoying how im very busy and crazily stressed out because of uni, but i still feel the same.

Only you can break the code . 143 ;)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sara Bareilles - Bottle It Up

This song has been stuck in my head since forever. Love it!
What do we do it for~?

Saturday, November 8, 2008


'HECTIC' that's one word that can be used to describe the uni atmosphere. Well, the workload has definitely taken its peak on each and every one of us. I am suffering from side effects of essay madness. This afternoon, i have submitted my last piece of coursework, 15 pages of it. I have come to a point where I am actually sick of MICROSOFT WORD. Back to back essays have been evaporating us off every drop of caffeine we've been consuming. And not only that, for the past two weeks or so, my tobacco consumption peaked. And exams are just around the corner.

We're just waiting for the whistle to blow. By this time, you would think that we would be going through intensive training, and no more assignments. BUT unfortunately, SOME people do not believe in giving some space for us students. A last minute presentation and A WRITE UP!?? After all the writing i've done, i am DE-motivated! DE! DE! And seriously,..WHY WHY WHY , QUESTION MARK QUESTION MARK QUESTION MARK! There is nothing sexy about how visible the vein on my forehead is..-_-

Some of us have decided to 'change'. In what sense you may ask. Change should be good. In this case we are talking physical. 2 of my course mates are currently undergoing the Britney Spears Workout Plan. The muscle aches never stopped them. While they are going to extreme ends in meeting their goal in the time span of three months, The rest of us act as obstacles. Dont get me wrong we have been supportive, but we're just giving them their fight. We are here to just make things interesting.

Tagged by Temari part 2

1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instruction with your picture.
5. Tag 5 people to do this

Tag 5 people? lemme see
5) E

:D hehehe