Sunday, February 24, 2008


Its another Sunday morning. Another depressing one to be exact. It has been raining and honestly and literally as well, i am getting sick of the cold mornings. Getting in the shower is always the problem. What's the point of getting the water heated when you'll get out of the shower all trembling in places? But, thank goodness, it's never winter here. ;)

Tomorrow, its the day of madness. Because we will be having our mid-semester tests. Time flies by like crazy. LOGIC & THINKING yo! That's the first paper. I have been doing my daily revisions but nonetheless, i still think i'm not ready. Im never ready for Logic. Visited my lecturer a couple of times to clear things up. It helped. But still... 0800-0900, L&T. Not awesome...

From the semesters i've studied the illogical subject, i've managed to conclude one superior fact. And some of you might agree with me....




Haber Salleh said...

chonn! jagan di ubah tu logic mu atu.. haha.

Doze Razali said...

wahaha yesszaaa dude! tatap pendirian ku tu :P