Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wouldn't miss it

With minimum realization, we have entered the last 10 days of Ramadhan. The typical bruneian household by now would be busy with preparations for the upcoming Aidilfitri. This does not exclude my beloved family, but the parents of course have neglected the notion of being 'too busy' with it. Making time for the family and to strive for the highest spiritual level in this time of year has always been the priority. After all, it does only come once a year.
Another typical Pasai geng Ramadhan ritual is, towards the end of the Holy Month, we tend to break the fast at restaurants rather than at home. This in a way, brings us much closer to each other. Of course the downside of this would be the missing of other family members who are abroad. The empty seats are irreplaceable as the delicacies can never replace the voices and laughter of the remaining who are missing.

Nevertheless, Ramadhan has been filed with serenity in the household. The introduction of the new family member Zara and her loud cries did not disrupt this, but it made it a more meaningful one.


Suisse Maman said...

By 'those abroad' I hope you meant us. Do you miss the brother (yucks!) who lives abroad in Jauhdong? I don't even remember what he looks like. Hahaha! We miss you all!

Doze said...

of course laaa, who else was I reffering to other than chancytavenr people. Jaudong guy? Say who? :P