Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I know a big match when i hear one. And its gonna be in Moscow! The UEFA champions League Finals! A few hours ago Paul Scholes scored what was the winner that stopped Lionel Messi and the gang from getting their plane tickets to Moscow! Well done devils! I know i missed the game but this is when replays come in handy! :D

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th

I am taking this time off from studying to actually blog about how things will go for the next few weeks. We are currently in our revision week, and the heat is increasing at a fast rate as we approach the examination week. The pressure is definitely on as we are all working at our most efficient level.
We have only one aim, that is to 'drop it like it's hot' in the examination hall. At this point, to carry on about how fast time flies by is no point. And evidently, we ourselves feel that some of us have been slacking throughout the whole semester. But that thought shouldn't stop us as aspiring individuals. We cool! I am currently telling myself i can do this, and I am actually doing it. If that makes sense in any possible way.
For these 2 weeks or so, it's OK to...

1) tired.

2)....PUSH IT!

3)....take a SHORT break!

4)...miss my girlfriend!(but not too much though :P)

5) fast food when the stress builds up.

6)...fumer~(note to self: CUT DOWN!)

Monday, April 28, 2008


Happy Birthday to Dayang Gossip Girl Raihana Hazwani! Selamat menyambut puja usia yang ke 21. Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki and tidak juga lupa kepada semua Good luck po yo ejem! Stadi Had! Heee And also SMAT!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Soulja Boy FBEPS

Thanks to Nuar for posting this video on youtube. It is on popular demand in UBD. Definitely a cracker involving some of the nutty students in FBEPS. This video was produced for an ICT project.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Back then with the anak ikan! Waah! Masa ani si Anak ikan basar sudah ada MEM! :D Miss you dude! If ko balik, kita mesti Lepak abis-abisan!!!!!!

Warm Up Session Before Hitting the French Alps

Feels like it was such a long time ago. -_- Finally found it!

Im not the only person with a necktie.

First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIYANA IMANI AND MARDIYAH! Have a great one :)

I am at home. The original plan was to make up for the amount of lost sleep last night. I missed last night's first leg of the semi-finals of the champs league between the Devils and Barca which ended with a goalless draw. What a bugger! The tv had to break down last night! The ONLY time when i had planned to actually watch the television. The only time where the living area would be empty and for me to click on my desired channel. I COULD'VE just stayed up and listen to the audio but whats the point? Still very bothered.

In the original plan, i were to just lay down and read my ICT till my eyes get tired. But I just couldn't keep my eyes closed. Last night's fling with the magic sticks are totally kicking me in my buttocks right now. My head is spinning. Not forgetting to mention my interview that went on earlier today was just alright. I don't know if i made it with my outfit impression but i guess the part-time pay is worth the shot. Bismillah.

Before the interview, i decided to head to uni to unwind a little. Just to see if the Management course could help me in my interview. A very delightful sight as a number of us were well dressed, in a way that i wasn't the only one with a necktie on. For some it was the perfect opportunity to take pictures.

I left my bed, and currently watching the making of Bruneian idols live. Not on the television screen. Its happening right in front of my eyes as we speak. The nieces are performing a duet with hairbrush in their hands. Singing a tune barely recognizable. I've been trying to make out the words they are singing and in my head it's definitely 'How can we be friends~'. Only it sounds more like: " Wa da bii be preeen. Wa da bii be preeen~".

I wonder how my lady in Bandar is doing. She definitely sounds busy and the last thing that i'd want to do is to bother her. At least she's not bored out her mind and that's enough. I hope work is fine my dear. IMY intensively. Get home soon and tell me about your day. :)

Guess whose hand fits this.


I guess i'll take the long way home tonight
i drove as far as i can drive
just to escape the fight
i never said you couldn't hate me
i never said you couldn't shake
so don't cry now baby,
cause youre way too good for that.

it's your sweet perfume
the scent of you
i tense my toes and close my eyes
as i whisper to you
it's your sweet perfume
the scent of you that I...

let's let our bodies sleep in today
your bones are much too fragile anyway
your lovely face your lovely touch
i can't find a bone of love in you

it's your sweet perfume
the scent of you
i tense my toes and close my eyes
as i whisper to you
it's your sweet perfume
the scent of you
that i oh, no no no no

i wanna feel the beat of your selfish heart
as our bodies melt into one in the dark
i wanna hold you close as we fall into the night

i tense my toes and close my eyes
as i whisper to you
it's your sweet perfume
the scent of you
that i oh no, i don't know

i wanna feel the beat of your selfish heart
as our bodies melt into one in the dark
i wanna hold you close as we fall into the night

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What's over. What's not.

The following our pics from the scare that was going around in madness about a week ago. Photos taken by vivalamirez~.

Preparing with a smile to see if the idea of charming the lecturer works.

Who we all dread, and the deadly clipboard.


And to think, with the presentations over, we'd all be on hangin hammocks in the gardens. In reality, we are all facing a bigger monster. 6 cold days of writing. The exams. Good luck everyone.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Mediocrity? Settling for it wouldn't be enough. But considering that my courses for this semester have been hard for me, it would PROBABLY be the outcome. Honestly speaking, i am freaked out about my exams. The timetable isn't seem to be helping. Considering the amount of time that i have been spending with my books, i should walk in the examination hall just fine. BUT understanding seems to be the problem. I can't comprehend a single shit. Everything seems to be repeating over and over again. I am finding a hard time to:

1. Figure out what is missing!
3. Seriously ABSORB!!!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Last year's wishes

I am exhausted in every way that is possible. I am just glad that our presentation is over and done with! I could definitely say that the amount of effort that the group inserted for this particular project was worth diamonds. We did well, and we have finally got out of the OILY situations that had been upon us for so long. Amar and Hafiz, certainly a great team to work with and we managed without fake accents! :D

Tomorrow is a Sunday, I am hoping that the day will not involve thinking on my side. BUT, that form of wishful thinking is just not permitted at this time of the semesters. The following day is upon us, and i am dreading the Microeconomics paper. We are all hoping for a micro-difficulty test paper when we all know that NOTHING comes easy.

The Saturday night i had was a mediocre leveled one. The best part was of course seeing my girlfriend. And i kid you not when i say that i was 'underdressed'. An accurate terminology to define shorts and flip flops in a popular Saturday night spot for Bruneians. That place they call G-town is definitely a microcosm of Brunei, and where subcultural groupings make their statements of existence! Mister! Believe me that you are definitely noticed when you wear skinny jeans with an emo haircut.

And sweety, keep your eyes on me. :)

Friday, April 18, 2008


IT STARTS! The phase where everyone stays in uni till dark to accumulate their heads with academic stuffings! Good luck to you all!

For the big presentation, i could say my group is ready. I have faith in my teammates. We just need to rehearse! We shall not have problems in conveying! GO TEAM! Mrs. Prescott will never know what hit her! but one more problem, for our accents, would you prefer CNN or BBC?

I have just realised that we all can get pretty cranky when we're tired. We blow up at things that we shouldn't be all stuck up about. And unfortunately, to the people that we don't want to hurt or offend. Being in a tIred state of mind, disables our minds to think sensibly, reasonably, to the extent where we'd have the audacity to breach ethical boundaries. Sigh.

Im sorry, i didn't mean to... but i do 1 4 3 more.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A thought

2%/ 0.02 / 2/100 :
These make me feel like im a complete moron because 98% is just not me..


'Play' is currently unavailable in Firdaus Razali's dictionary.

Today, marked the end of the grand lectures i've been having this semester. And not to forget the start of a hectic 3 weeks. The preparation for this Saturday's big presentation is halfway through. But it has made me hate 'oil' with a passion. Currently, me and the boys are giving ourselves a night off from the complexity in the area of tagging a price on this fluid! GAME PAUSED! That's it for today.

Some people are just impossible to tolerate. I guess that's just their nature. I'll stop there.

Apart from the urge to knock my head against the wall, my friends did balance the pros and cons of the day. I received an unexpected jollibee burger and a nutella spread to snack on. Thank you very much to the people concerned. :) . Always feels nice to know that you're being acknowledged.

Of course i miss you Temari.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


WAAAAHHHH!!! I am still in the middle of breathing a huge ass sigh as the internet service is back on! For three days, poor old socially deprived moi have been trying to get online. Not only to keep in contact with Temari, but also to get a hold of the source of survival for assignments. The internet! Bliss! :D Online based notes, i have come to get you.

For three days, i've been running around trying to obtain a decent connection, just to be disappointed by the fact that the whole country was down on connection. On the other hand, it was a clear indicator that i deserve a night out.

Burrying myself under a pile of notes wasn't very healthy. And it's been a while since i've seen Temari, and i MISSED HER!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

15p + 25d = ......

Tutoring wasn't as hard as any of you would ever imagine it. You make it a lot easier. Not to mention F.U.N. unlimited! A job well done, even i got to learn new things in the process. I wouldn't mind another session seriously. That is, if you are up for it :). BUT the next session won't involve calculators. SERIOUS! Just multiplication tables. ;)


Monday, April 7, 2008

I H8 MS1114


Management, it's a study of managing and knowing what to do, controlling, coordinating, and keeping everybody within an organization well organized in order to obtain or maintain efficiency. Those are the words that my mind have settled with to define 'management'. Tomorrow, there's gonna be a paper on the top of my table staring back at a clueless boy. I am certain at this point i cant absorb any more information regardless of it being in the form of management notes, or even diagrammatic interpretations of scenarios i hate to imagine. Help me! Give me strength! And tomorrow's paper will carry just a minor percentage of my semester assessment. OH PAPER HAVE MERCY! I am struggling and my head is about to explode. I wish i was exaggerating! This semester has been a bitch to me!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Smile Si Manis

I have wasted money for something useless. I have been wanting to watch the Horton hears a who movie for quite a while now. And i reckon the reason for me delaying and canceling all these cinema dates is because i'm not too fond of the idea. So, i got myself the DVD for this hilarious(as reviewed by viewers) only to get home and find out that my beloved sister has already gotten a copy! SHEESH! -_- Ngalih saja ku kana malukan pasal bebunyi the detector~!

And i am seriously surprised at what today's youth can come up with for their boyfriend's/girlfriend's pet name. Yesterday's outing, this boy was saying out loudly as me and Temari were walking by, 'Manis! lets go~' -_-

And dear, I am here to help, as always. You WILL do fine. I am here to guide you. I'll be your online math tutor. :)

Happy belated birthday to the guy on the far right. Mr. Zilo Type R. The one boy who loves football, shoes and posing at the same time. I hope you had a blast yesterday and i apologise for having to leave uni early due to complications. What's one person compared to the rest of the gang~. Hope it was a pleasant surprise. Next week yawh! MALAM MUDA MUDI! :D

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Thats what we got -_-. But i guess its all good.

photos by msyazwan~

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

3rd day of the week

Captured by GSL

The week is currently going on a rate slower than we anticipated it to be. We are approaching towards the end of the second semester and the deadlines are currently screaming in our ears. Not a pleasant thing. The most popular place for the faculty mates to hang out is currently at the university itself. I've been trying to push myself to get out of the house just for a breather but its just one hard thing to do considering the stacked up topics i have to review in order for me to get ready for the exams. Bollocks! I think i deserve one night.


The word 'jobless' would not be the right description for my group of friends. Considering how each and everyone of us have been diligent and thoroughly involved with our work. Occasionally, they do take a few seconds off from their work just to unwind and take pictures. Sometimes, i doubt what their desired professions really are. ECONOMISTS or PAPARAZZI?

I miss Temari, feels like its been forever since we have last seen each other.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Baby Szar sleeping on her back :) . Adorable? No?

A Volley to the Gut

A scene from the field:

Two footie players eying the ball that was currently in mid air. The two possessed opposing intentions, one to defend and clear the ball, the other to get the ball under control and score.

The ball.
Round and falling in mid air heading towards the defender's goal post waiting for it's fate. To end up at the back of the net or to get cleared off to the opposite direction.

The striker.
Very determined, times his run well. From the right flank, he bullets towards the area where the ball was bound to land. Eyes on the ball and accelerating towards the falling spherical trophy that the teams have been fighting for. Scoring was the only thing on his mind

The defender.
Tall, has been defending well so far. Focusing on the falling ball with an intent to clear it first time. A volley was favourable considering the height the ball was currently in. He aims to get the ball as far from his goalpost as possible. Full swing.

The moment.
A shooting runner and a fully swung leg. At the same time. Going for the ball....

the next thing you know...


Temari is currently out with friends and it's raining. Drive carefully please. :) Neji dreams~