Monday, August 11, 2008

Today is Bapa's 63rd

Today, the 2nd week of the new semester was welcomed with open hands by me and the rest of the crew. How? By showing up a couple of hours early before our lecture. We have developed a totally new approach to our lectures this semester. I have chosen to see this as an inevitable change where we are finally entering and exploring the cores of our courses. Now, 2 hour lectures aren't seen as a form of torture but more of like the accumulation of questions in our heads, which i find fascinating and fun.

I seriously think lecturers should stick to the appointed time though. A lecturer was dwelling on for about 1hr and 45 mins on what was originally an hours lecture. Please don't get me wrong, it's not that by doing so the topics become boring, but students tend to lose their attentiveness. Eventhough this should not be the attitude possessed but it is just impossible to ignore a cranky stomach. My apologies to the Doctor conveying this particular lecturer, because as interesting the subject was, it seemed impossible to keep writing when it feels like someone is scraping the walls of the inside of your tummy. ISN'T A LECTURER'S AIM TO KEEP THE STUDENTS ALIVE?? But even so, im looking forward to the next lecture. :)

From here, a birthday wish to Anuar Mohd a.k.a. spikehunter. It's tomorrow but its always good to be early right ?:D Happy birthday!

But for today, it's all about my dad. Happy Birthday to Bapa! I f you want the best dad in the world, you can't have mine ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good good good......