Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Looking for a splashfight -_-

There is a time when you get really really bored and you'd just want to go through all the messages and the e-mails you think worth keeping in your inbox. The closer you get to losing to boredom, the more uptight you are. About anything at all i guess. I guess 'insecurity' is a type of pain and it initiates feelings you may or may not want to feel. It all comes down to patience, not our wants or wills. When insecurity kicks in, I'd identify the consequent feeling similar to the feeling when our competition shows their teeth. And it leads to honestly worthless questions. It's the scene where you'd rather be off the field because who needs an invitation to fight~?

Anyways, i'm just stepping in to the second month of the holidays, and i've been doing wondrous things. Tchyeah right! :p Been figuring out how to carry myself and sail through this torture. Of course there's gym, but you don't expect a person to be at the gym 24/7 do you? Im human, not Ajy :P. I guess the only option is to play with the pets. I have decided to name the litter of kittens running the compound as the little Spartans. Why? Because they have the tendency to stand in front of a moving vehicle in the driveway.

Meet the Spartan.

/if you let go, then that's where time will stand/

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