Thursday, February 7, 2008


I figured i needed my own space. So hence, the reason for the creation of this blog. Read it, maybe i might be able to feed you with useful information OR Leave it alone because it might be crap.

There's nothing to be kusut about;
It ain't a problem unless you let it be a problem.


Ok what am i doing?
Im just having fun messing around with you people who would waste 15 mins reading this. Alright, big deal nowadays everyone has their own blog. But it's a good thing. It should. It could increase one's literacy level. If not, let me ask you a question.
Did you know that blogging helps activate your mind?
You think when you blog, and by that pumps blood into your head. And for crying out loud! Everyone has their own rights to post whatever they want to. That's why its 'www' instead of 'wnw'! www=world wide web ..wnw=world narrow web.
Let me warn you from time to time, i might just post my studies here as a reminder for myself.

Oh yeah! This is my info:
Boy, 25th March, not so tall -_-, love's Person, Family and friends.
My idea of a getaway is to have my boots on and kick balls on the green~

So are we crystal?
If yes, please Check Yes Juliet ;)

1 comment:

PPA said...

Omg I just wasted 15 minutes on this haha checked ;)